/ Poetry /
Answering the call from eternity
Formed from the dusk and born into humanity
His origin most known of a foreign land
Strength far powerful than the use of his hands
Descendants as the sand which is upon the sea
Rulers and kings fear what he can be
Brutality from those sworn to keep us safe
Their sacrifices never forget his face
Ships led to slavery and scars on this back
Unspeakable crimes couldn't keep him off track
Within his DNA lies unlimited potential
The White House bears witness to his credentials
Misunderstood he's been through a lot
Detail greater than being unfairly shot
Countless contribution to the world who can count
40 acres and a mule could never settle his account
Fear and jealousy caused history writers to lie
His impact and power no one can hide
Husband Father Brother he proudly takes his stand
He is the black man