Francis Flavin
Francis Flavin is a poet, writer and author who draws upon his experience as an educator, ombudsman, fish and game field worker, public interest lawyer, investigator, and observer on four continents. He was the first Alaska State Ombudsman, founding member of the International Ombudsman Steering Committee, and former Director of the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct. His work has been published in Poetry Quarterly, Poets Choice, Inwood Indiana, Blueline, Pacific Review, Blue Collar Review, La Piccioletta Barca, Three Line Poetry, The Closed Eye Open, WestWard Quarterly, Tempered Runes, and Vallum, among others. He has received recognition for humor creative nonfiction, novel excerpt, and flash fiction (2018) in the Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition, the social impact category of the 2019 Chicagoland Poetry Contest, the Partisan Press Working People’s Poetry Competition and the personal essay and rhymed poetry categories of the 2020 Writer’s Digest awards.